
It’s so nice to meet you - We’re The Holy Cannoli Cart Fam.

So, first things first, we’re not normally as photogenic and posy, contrary to what the photo above leads you to believe (haha!).

You will usually find us making custard (tasting custard), prepping for an event, counting shells, having fun with socials or running around after the 4 little kiddies we have between us. There’s normally a whole lot of LOL’s involved, more often than not at the expense of the boys, Steve (left) and John (right). Rach (next to John) and Dan (next to Steve) run a tight ship and the boys like to press the girls’ buttons just to get a reaction. Rach and Dan honestly believe they’d be lost without them… but that’s all wives to their husbands, right!?

We’re a well oiled machine, each having our own role and doing it to perfection. We might be in business together but we’ve actually known each other for years (Rach and Dan since they were around 3/4 years old!) which actually makes us more like family.

Honestly, the reason why our cannoli taste so delish is because not only are they made using recipes that have been past down but most importantly, with a whole lotta love… which, according to Dan’s mum, is the secret ingredient to any yummy dessert!